Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Mall

When was the last time you went to the mall? Today I ventured out to the Bellevue Square Mall - good heavens to Betsy...I thought I was in pretty good shape until today. Those hard marble floors in the hall of the mall are just brutal on my hips...I more minute in there and I would have needed a walker.

Plus...the whole shopping trip is just sensory overload...cinnamon, cookies, asian food, donuts, pizza, music, and the people and the people...there is nothing relaxing about going to the mall, that's for sure.

Inside the various stores there is the odor overload to deal with. I'm serious...something about all those almost made me pass out.

I suppose my age is showing...I don't care...really...we all age...what's a woman to do if she needs new clothes. Online shopping is the next stop, I it goes.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sometimes I Get Lonely

Most of the time I relish my aloneness - I've grown accustomed to, and quite like, being able to do whatever I want - when I want.

Today I got to thinking what my life would be like if there was a "special someone" a boyfriend. (Is it still called "boyfriend" when you are almost 62?)

How long would it take to get used to having someone around? Or, would it even require "getting used to"? I'm stunned to realize I haven't had a man in my life for over 15 years. Now that makes me kind of tear up. It was 1994 - Matt Agnew...that's about as close as it got...this is almost 2010...that's about 16 years ago. Wait a minute - has it been 16 years since I've had sex? Hmmm...lessee...maybe...can't even remember - that's how long its been for sex. Oh Nanny, that's pretty damn sad.

I kind of remember what its like to feel that pang. I started to feel that just re-connecting with an old high school crush via the internet ( He's married and he only wanted to connect on a friend kind of basis but he did, in all honesty, send me some fairly suggestive emails. Got my "juices flowing". Eww, I don't like that remark but it is so accurate.

How I would love to meet someone would be so nice to share a bottle of wine (or even a glass of wine) while at the locks listening to the Saturday or Sunday afternoon concert. Or someone to just go have a drink with...or brunch...or a movie...or a walk...or, anything.

Nancer - get out there and find "him" - I just know he's out there...somewhere...Tony, Tony look around - something's lost and can't be found...a special someone for Nanner.

Thanks, Tony xoNanner.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday morning laundry

God, I really don't like having to pay $1.25 per load of laundry...I guess I'm from the "old school" because I still separate the colors rather than jamming everything into one washing there are some Sunday mornings when I have to do about 5 loads of wash. Lessee- that's 5x1.25 which equals $6.25 to wash then there is a $1.00 charge per load of drying. I usuall use all three dryers which totals $3.00. So each week I potentially spend almost $10 doing laundry. Ahhh...for the days of owning my own washer and dryer.

By the way - there are only THREE washers and dryers in the laundry room. There are at least 70 people living in this building ... uhhhh...we need more washing machines and dryers here. I have had to stagger doing laundry over 5 hours time...I hate doing that. I want to wash my clothes, towels and sheets all at the same time. The laundry rooms are only open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. - when I do my wash on Sundays I arrive at 7:45...I don't care - I want all three machines right away...I don't want to have to wait or stagger my washing. I'm sorry if I'm waking up the people who live right above the laundry room...I need to get my stuff done and get on with my Sunday activities. In that respect I'm a rule breaker. Oh well.

There are some people living in my apartment community who are in commercial diving school - what does that have to do with laundry? I notice the big sinks in which all the water from the washers seems to go...they have a layer of sand in them...probably from the diver's wet suits? Do they wash wet suits?

Sometimes the washing machines are just gross...I once took cleaning materials to the laundry room and actually cleaned the washing machines myself because I was grossed out thinking about putting my clothes in the filthy washing machines. I only did that once and now when I go down to that laundry room and the washing machines look gross I just turn a blind eye, fill them up with my laundry and hope to GOD my clothes don't get ruined. Seems there should be laundry class people should take when they move into an apartment ... it should be called Laundry Manners. People can be such slobs.

Folding laundry is a pain - at least there is a nice big table in the laundry room on which to do the folding. That is a nice feature, especially when you live in a tiny apartment with no room to do such activities with ease.

Its a beautiful Sunday - I plan to enjoy the great outdoors today!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Michael Vick - I wonder...

This whole Michale Vick thing is confusing - should he or shouldn't he be able to play professional football?

This morning I was listening to ESPN radio - the announcer (name escapes me now) was detailing how Michael Vick tortured dogs...hanging them in a tree soaking wet then electrocuted them with jumper cables and laughed when they would cry out for their life. He is reported to have drowned his family's dog in their swimming pool and cheering while he was doing this horrible act.

It wasn't just one time Michael Vick tortured our canine friends...he did it regularly for SIX YEARS. Someone suggested Dante Stallworth's drunk driving and killing someone while doing so is also bad. For sure it is bad but as the ESPN announcer pointed out - Dante Stallworth didn't wake up that morning and plan to kill someone while he drove "under the influence". Michale Vick got great pleasure in his maiming of dogs...its a little different. Its a lot different.

Now, 2 1/2 years of prison time for his crimes against dogs Michael Vick is reinstated in the NFL and is playing for the Philadelphia Eagles...back up to Donavan McNabb. He can only play in two exhibition games then has to sit out the first part of the regular season... Uhhhh... WTF? God, I'm not sure this man should be allowed to walk among other men let alone play football. I've heard he is sorry...he's going to be on 60 Minutes tomorrow night saying how sorry he is. For the love of everything holy, he should be sorry...

It has been reported Michael Vick has a bad ass temper and that he "gave the finger" to the fans in the stadium the last time he played before being arrested and incarcerated for his dastardly deeds against dogs. He was found to have smoked pot just before his sentencing over two years ago. Hmmmm...

Tony Dungy (former Indianapolis Colts coach) has been Michael Vick's mentor during his time of being in prison and also since his release after 2 1/2 years behind bars. Wow prison for 2 1/2 that enough time for him to be truly sorry for what he did? Enough time for the public to be able to get over what he did to dogs? I don't know...I just don't want to think he did those things and I want to let him get on with his life. But is he really sorry? Its a puzzlement.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Kate Goselin Talks About Life After Split

WHY are these people getting so much attention? I never watched the darn show - something about John and Kate and their 8 children.

Life after a marriage split up just sucks - even when you are glad to be rid of the person to whom you were married. For the love of everything holy - I suppose next she is going to write a book and get zillions of dollars.

I suppose the public will support this kind of thing as long as there are reality shows on television... I know a few people who followed the John and Kate show - now they are going to be all goo goo about what each is doing after their split up. They will probably make more money as divorced parents of 8 than they did married. Go figure.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

2 weeks without television

I have to admit - it seems longer than 2 weeks...sometimes I wonder what to do with myself without the boob tube and at the same time I wonder how I ever got anything done.

Here's when I miss television the most - when I'm having dinner...I used to sit down and watch television when I ate dinner...mindless watching and eating.

I thought I'd miss reality shows but honestly, I don't. I'm surviving without them!

Friday night I listened to an interesting show on NPR about autism. Saturday night I listened to swing music on NPR - such good memories attached to hearing that kind of music!!! This evening I'm listening to the first exhibition NFL game...Buffalo vs. Tennessee - Buffalo is losing.

See, I'm surviving in spite of tv!