Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 5 Without Television

Somehow I have managed to survive without television. I'm noticing how much time I used to spend watching the yipping that I don't have it. Have managed to get some reading done, cleaned my apartment and basically just feel like time is on my side these days.

Oddly enough I don't really miss the shows I was so involved with. Who cares?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today's the day

It is 6:45 a.m. - I'm awake and working on my first cup of coffee. I just got the DVR/cable box and remote ready to take to my an hour or so I will venture forth to return the equipment to Comcast Cable.

This is huge for earlier stated, I've been a television junky so not having tv is a big deal. I actually feel a sense of freedom - is that ridiculous? Hmmm...I don't think so.

Last night I said I think I shall miss sports and reality shows the most. This is true.

Sports is a big thing for me. I've followed sports for years - its the drama that gets me and I'm pretty sure I can stay connected via the internet.

The reality shows - they were melting my mind. Survivor...I started watching that when it first aired in 2000 and watched every single season since. Then there is Big about mind melting. I even paid to get the "live feeds" for a couple of seasons. Of course there was the Bachelor and eventually the Bachelorette, What Not to Wear, The Housewives of Orange County followed by The Housewives of New York, Atlanta, and most recently New Jersey. Of course, let us not forget Top Chef, Project Runway, and Dancing With the Stars. I even started watching the Miami Social Club, Dating in the Dark, and basically any reality show I could find.

I will keep the internet - my way of staying connected without the mind numbing trash seen on television. Who knows, maybe eventually I will get rid of that as well but that seems doubtful.

NPR will become a staple here at my house...I might learn something. I might even go back to school...maybe. Anything is possible - I suddenly have a ton of free time!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Giving Up Cable

I have to say they don't make it easy to quit. I called Comcast Cable today in hopes that someone would come out and unhook my cable, take all the equipment away and credit my account from this point forward. Whoa Nelly...not so fast...I have to disconnect the whole thing myself AND return the cable box and remote to Comcast Cable.

Uhhh...they can come to my place, deliver the goods, and hook everything up but they can't come and unhook it all and take it away? What? Why not? Heck, there is a Comcast truck here at my apartment complex almost every single day. What's the problem. Oh well ... so...

...tomorrow morning I will be the first in line - or at least close to the first to return the goods. They open at 9:00 a.m. No problem - I'm up long before that time - even on a Saturday.

I have been a television junky for many years but the other night when I found myself watching a show called Dance Your Ass Off I realized my mind was melting. I'm pretty sure there is something else far more constructive I can be doing besides watching tv.

I think I shall miss watching sports and reality shows the most.